Polly Coombes

Lady M Music Video


Lady M Music Video

Played one of the witches in the second release from James Beeny & Gina Georgio's new musical 'Lady M', starring Kerry Ellis as Lady Macbeth.

Produced by Toy Soldier Productions: https://www.toysoldierproductions.com
Track produced by James Beeny, Gina Georgio, Rik Simpson
Mixed by Rik Simpson
Video directed by James Hastings: https://www.hastingsinfinityfilms.com
Video created by James Beeny, Gina Georgio, James Hastings
Orchestration by James Beeny & Gina Georgio
Additional orchestration & programming by James Beeny, Gina Georgio, Rik Simpson
Track produced by James Beeny, Gina Georgio and Mark Lord
Musicians: James Beeny, Gina Georgio, Evie Heyde, James Luke, Rik Simpson
Video edited by James Hastings
Filmed at the Assembly Hall Theatre, Tunbridge Wells
'Lady M' logo design by Gary Kelly
Track engineered by John Barrett, Fi Cruickshank
Recorded at Abbey Road Studios

Macbeth - Paul Wilkins
Witches - Polly Coombes, Gina Georgio, Kay Howe, Claire Parrish, Hannah Richards